

About Superhero

SuperHero was the first project incubated from 0 to 1 in Lab1886 China.

Mercedes-Benz Test Drive Platform in Chengdu owns a very large fleet, which costs a lot of money every year. In order to reduce the cost and at the same time make additional revenue we incubated Superhero, a luxury car rental platform which shares the same fleet with Mercedes-Benz Test Drive Platform.

My Role

  • As lead designer to design the whole UI and UX design of product and present to stakeholders on each venture board meeting
  • As user research coordinator, coordinate each user research
  • As spokesman to introduce the product to media on publish day

Project Time

Sep.2017 - Dec.2017


  • Users do not have access to exclusive or rarely available new Mercedes-Benz car models
  • Increasing expectation of premium services delivered on-demand are not fulfilled by current market offerings
  • Difficulty to satisfy need for varied driving experiences due to price and ownership restrictions


Research Objectives

  • Validate and prioritize mobility concept features
    • Understand the current solutions that customers use to solve for the job-to-be-done behind each proposed concept feature
    • Identify the levels of satisfaction/dissatisfaction with their current solutions that solve the job-to-be-done behind the concept features
    • Initial feature benefits prioritization
  • Continual discovery
    • Provide insight into how people feel about the proposed feature benefits in the context of mobility
    • Uncover any further pain points or unmet mobility needs which can enhance or pivot concept features

Research Activities

  • Quantitative Survey
    • Quantitative Method

      • In-depth Customer Interviews
    • Customer Interview Format

      • 90 minute one-on-one interviews
      • 12 customer interviews across two cities: Beijing, Shenzhen
      • 2 Research pods running in parallel conducted across two days

Key Personas

  • Business Promoter

    Business managers who travel frequently and need to uphold an image that impresses clients.

  • Car Enthusiast

    Car lovers who are willing to spend time and money to go after latest models and experience rides

  • Family Mover

    Parents and grandparents who are focused on providing the best care and future for each other.

  • Young & Free

    Carefree and young drivers who are pacing towards their aspirations and are seeking individuality.








User Test

We flied to Chengdu and went through all the process step by step with the users and got feedbacks from the users while they are experiencing our service.

Product Launch Event

We had a product publish event in Chengdu and I introduced the process of our product and service to tens of the media on that day.

User Feedback

After the product launched for about 1 month, we also made phone call to our users for getting the feedbacks including their future use scenario and the reason behind why they didn't order the product.

According to the feedback, we found that:

  • For the users who can accept the price of their desired model, the main future scenario will be travel.
  • For Chengdu users, the price is the main concern not making an order
  • The price is high for many users, even the users who has experiences in renting a premium car
  • Users show interest in renting a car before buying, but still with concern with the cost


As the design lead in the first mobility project incubated in Lab1886 China, I witness and join the whole process of building a venture from 0 to 1. Including how to conduct a user research step by step, as well as create the whole user experience for a luxury rental car service.



Mercedes-Benz luxury car rental platform



An open source design and creative platform



A better way to manage your knowledge and share with others



When new tab page becomes the place to make draft

Design & Development